Monday, December 9, 2019

Hospital Mistake

  When I finally woke up in the hospital room and they cut off all of the bandages, I asked if I could go look in the mirror.
  "You're not going to be happy, Jim, they messed up the charts or something.  Get ready for a big lawsuit."
  My wife was right, what should have been a routine appendectomy at the research hospital was accidentally made into a life-changing nightmare.  They thought that I was the patient interested in the accelerated gender change treatment which they were working on.  In the period of one operation, they skillfully sculpted my body and transplanted organs to make me into a woman.
  "What does this mean for our relationship, baby?"
  She just bit her lip and looked at me.


  1. looks like your wife was hiding something from you but now she can be honest and forth coming with the truth and you two will be getting closer than before.

  2. Looks like Jim will be having the baby.

  3. I love this story!
    What a delightful position to find myself in.
