Saturday, March 7, 2020

Robotics Research

  Because of depression, isolation, and other mental health reasons, I dropped out of a competitive MIT robotics program.  This only led to my symptoms worsening, watching all of my classmates graduate and start amazing robotics and android startup research companies.
  Desperate to still work in the field because of my remaining interest in robotics, I begged my friends to help out in some way at their companies.  Being kind, only my friend Mike gave me an interview for a truly low level job: research assistant.
  Basically, they needed someone desperate enough that they'd let experiments be run on them.  In my case, they wanted to test out how long consciousness could be transferred to an android host.
  So, here's me, 6 minutes in, my "sleeve" having just slipped out of the plastic bag it left manufacturing in, the artificial hair still wet from various preservation fluids.  They gave me simple clothes (and a stipend for more of course). 
  This is the first "selfie" I've taken for the experiment.  It's up to me to take three of these a day for as long as my consciousness holds in my new "sleeve." 
  Here's to hoping my body remains preserved in cryogenics. . .

1 comment:

  1. So his consciousness is totally separated from his original body now?

    I'm guessing something is going to go wrong with the cryo chamber...
